Small toys for small people

I have been enoying making some toys for the grandchildren. I began with a little tea set as my granddaughter loves to make everyone a cup of tea. I used felt that I had in my stash and the Lia Griffith Felt Afternoon Teaset pattern. The donuts pattern also came from Lia Griffith. Everything was cut out with my Cricut Maker 3.

I put the donuts and tea cups on a vintage tray I have, so that I can move them around the house easily. The tea cups include saucers, teabags and spoons, and there are four donuts.

This is a fairly simple make which was a lot of fun. The tea bag labels should be embroidered with flowers, which I dutifully did for the first one, and then went off piste with the second, putting a cat on one side and a rabbit on the other.

We’ve had a lot of fun with this little set already. Here is a video of Miss G making her Dada a cup of tea. I have no explanation for the helmet. Maybe tea drinking is dangerous!

There are also four donuts; one must have been eaten! Here is the complete set. The white one is designed to have had a bite taken out of it and has “jam” in the middle.

I had so much fun with this set that I decided to make a chicken. Also from Lia Griffith.

I made this one whilst I was at our holiday place and did enjoy myself.

I made it a little nest from shredded paper and a box. I intend to make a couple of eggs from papier mâché at some point.

I think it’s safe to say that the chicken was well received and is already loved.

Finally I made Little L, my grandson, a dragon from recycled denim. Also a Lia Griffith design as I love her designs. I was going to make it from felt as Lia’s is, but I didn’t have felt of the right colour so decided that it might look cool in denim. I’m not sure how long it will last though.

I gave it to L for his second birthday. It’s a clever construction, the wings have pipe cleaners in them to give them some structure. He seemed to enjoy it but I was too busy watching him to take photos. Darn it!

All the toys are stuffed with gorgeous cotton stuffing given to me by Megan, Meggipeg. It’s so nice to not use polyester and the cotton seems to be holding up well over several toys.


7 thoughts on “Small toys for small people

  1. Oh what fun! (The toys and kids!) These are all lovely. Is this the first time you’ve made Lia Griffith patterns?
    I love the outfit of rain boots and helmet. Now I’m wondering which sport – kayaking or spelunking?

  2. Love, these and your small person is growing up very quickly – very cute!
    Lex is now 34 weeks and due first week of June! Hope to catch up soon my friendxx

  3. The toys are beautiful Sue, such lovely constructions and so well modelled! Congratulations again, on your efforts. x

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