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Vogue 2634 – as a flanno

I have just returned from the most amazing retreat at Muresk with Fibres West; more on that later, but the theme for the week was “Down on the Farm”, so I decided that flannel shirts and dungarees were de rigeur. My dungarees were duly made, and I set about making a couple of shirts. I began with the Malaga in tartan flannel and then made this more traditional flanno. I auditioned several patterns for this one; the Grainline Archer and also Capital Chic Patterns Cuba Libre, which I love, but which I decided was too sophisticated to be turned into a humble flannel shirt.

I eventually used Vogue 2634 which is dated 2002, but which, I note, is still available. I chose view C, which is the long black shirt which can sort of work as a jacket too. This pattern has been completely modified to fit me perfectly at my patternmaking class. It is so nice to know that I can just cut out without thinking about sleeve length or gaping buttons.

As with the flannos made for Mark and Tom, I French seamed all seams and put the pockets and cuffs on the bias. This was another unbalanced tartan, but the fabric is glorious. I bought it in Stockholm about three years ago and it is warm and comfortable.

I used some yellow buttons turned upside down and did a pretty good job of the pattern matching. I had to laugh because whilst I was on my front verandah taking photos the neighbours kept leaning over the front fence for a chat or a wave. I think they wondered what on earth I was doing, but I attempted an air of nonchalance as demonstrated in this photo, which I took accidentally. 

I did wonder if I had been foolish in making such a long shirt but I love it. I did manage to stuff it all inside my dungarees, but didn’t get any photos at Muresk, so I am making do with these taken before I left.


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