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A no-knit flower crown

My previous flower crown feels rather heavy to wear so I turned my thoughts to a more delicate one that would be easier to replicate for the non-knitters amongst us.

This is very similar to making pom-poms, but quicker and easier, and probably uses less wool, although might not look quite as spectacular. Kate from fabrickated has published a tutorial on making pom-poms here.

I got the basic idea for my wool flowers from this sweet little book that was in the pile of things I received from my friend, Leonie, when I helped her clean out her mother’s wardrobe. It’s a school primer and might even have been Leonie’s. How cool would that be? I slightly modified the instructions to make bigger flowers.

To make the flowers you will need two different coloured yarns – embroidery floss, string, wool, anything works really – and a stick of some sort. I used a piece of dowel that I found in the garage, but I have used both a pen and a pencil.

Apart from your stick you will need a pair of scissors, a short piece of yarn (around 20cm or 8 inches – it doesn’t matter if you are slightly longer or shorter), a ball of contrasting yarn, and a wool needle.

I have done a little collage of the process. Read from left to right across each row. I hope this is clear enough, if not, let me know and I will do a video.

I was asked to do an arm knitting demonstration at the Nannup Flower and Garden Festival so I took a basket of these flowers along to give away. I wore my brightest clothes and my flower crown!  My cowl is an example of arm knitting (photograph courtesy of my friend Thelma’s husband, Brian).

Whilst I had a lot of interest in the arm knitting, I had a lot more interest in the wool flowers and people wanting to know how to make them. There were quite a few children at the Festival (on a Thursday? Not asking questions about this!) and I found myself running workshops, which was so lovely. Here is a little girl who had a lesson, note she made a few and is wearing them on her wrist. I found it easier for the littlies to wind the stick rather than the wool. (I had permission to publish her photograph from her mother).

Here she is with her “flower crown” and her little cousin also with flowers that she made. Don’t they look sweet? 

I had quite a few boys making flowers for zip pulls and to give to their mothers and sisters, which filled me with so much joy. Lots of older people wanted to learn to do it to show their grandchildren and it was decided that this would be a lovely activity for a sleepover or birthday party. It was lovely to see elderly people whose hands no longer allowed them to knit, express joy at being able to make something with their wool. I had the same reaction to the arm knitting. This is a fabulous activity to keep the brains of older people active, whilst they produce useful and attractive things. Here is the shawl I arm knitted at the festival (and made wool flowers with it hanging off my arm!) I used two strands of handspun alpaca, which I had bought at the Nannup markets for $2.50 for four balls, and a ball of thick cream wool. I may try felting it down slightly, but am rather thrilled with the way it turned out, given all the distractions. I haven’t finished off the ends yet, as I need a fat crochet hook.

The wool flowers are such a neat way to use up all your wool scraps. I made so many flowers that I’ve been able to add quite a few more to my crown, which you will see in all its glory in my final Frida post. I did think about adding them to the bottom of my shawl, but might make bigger ones for that, using a thicker piece of dowel.

I began the Dress like Frida sewalong with the view that I wouldn’t bother to make a crown but finished up making two. I wore this one all day yesterday and received so many comments, and not too many pitying looks, so deem it a complete success. The tee-shirt head band is extremely comfortable and even kept my head warm. A link to the head band making is in this post.



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