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Me Made May 2016: a quick overview

Well another year, another Me Made May. For the first time I’ve actually managed to not have repeats (except tights and underwear, and my made by me boots), and I am both proud and slightly ashamed of this fact. I could probably go for a couple of months without repeats, so it’s time I stopped sewing and knitting. Yeah, right!!Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 8.02.06 pm

There were a few days where I wore boots I had knitted and felted. These boots have just got better and better, and on the days when I wore them, I was me-made head to toe!

One of the best things about Me-Made-May is that I’ve been able to get inspiration from people previously unknown to me, and there are now several patterns that I’m lusting after and a couple which have been added to my stash – aagh. I also loved seeing everyone’s outfits, particularly people whose blogs I follow – it’s great to see clothes again, but styled completely differently. So, to all my fellow Me-Made-Mayers – a fond thank you and looking forward to catching up with you again next year.

If you have a burning desire to see this photos individually (and larger) with their descriptions, they are in my Me-Made-May album on Flickr –



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