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Dyeing for some tights

In order to fulfil my Me-Made-May pledge (at the bottom of this post), I decided that I need some tights, stat! Unfortunately, a quick exploration of my stash revealed this as the most likely contender, and I didn’t think several pairs of hot pink tights would cut the mustard. hot pink

So, I did what most normal people do, I got out the dye, but I had enough fabric for 4 pairs of tights and I wanted them in all different colours. In order to maximise the fabric, I had to cut out the tights and then dye the pieces.

I really wanted a khaki colour for my first pair, so I carefully mixed green and brown, but then had a “moment” and added some red. These are the result.

I have to say that I love this colour and these tights will be a welcome addition to my wardrobe. But… they’re not khaki, so pair number two were dipped in just brown and green. During the process I could see the pink corrupting the colour, so figured a soupçon of black might do the trick. Here is the result. Again, I love the colour, but it’s not khaki!

Before I cut out and dyed the next pair, I decided to dye a couple of other pieces of knit fabric that I didn’t much care for.

The first piece was a wishy washy pale blue, quite unattractive. I threw it in the pot, and guess what? Khaki!! Sadly, most of the colour washed out when I rinsed the fabric, but I still love the resultant green/grey.

Clearly the pink base is too overpowering for the dye in my first attempts. Before the dye pot was completely exhausted I decided to give this fabric a dunk.

Whilst I love spots, I can’t get my head around white with orange spots. I’ve had this fabric out of the cupboard on a number of occasions, but always put it back, but the colour worked out brilliantly and now I cannot wait to turn this into something wearable.

Here they are together so you can see the difference in the colour

and all my experiments in one shot below. It’s hard to believe that the three on the right came from the same dye pot!

Now onto Me-Made-May 2016: My Pledge.

‘I, Sue Stoney of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’16. I endeavour to wear only clothes made by me (with the exception of shoes) each day for the duration of May 2016’

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