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Trousers that fit – finally!

I have mentioned on several occasions that I can never get trousers to fit me, so I gave the problem to Sarah at Workspace FADS and we set about remedying the situation.

Here is a closeup of the finished product (no rude remarks about the letter A being strategically placed, it’s been mentioned, it was an accident, ok?).

To give you a comparison, here is a photo pre adjustments. There is a fair bit of excess fabric hanging around.

and an unattractive side view

Pinning out the excess fabric was an interesting activity and I could see why I’d never been able to successfully fit a pair of trousers to myself before

I am really happy with the result. Don’t judge the fabric I’ve chosen for my first pair, I used some fairly ugly stuff out of my stash, which I swore would never been seen in public, but they are so comfortable that I’ve worn them twice in public!

By sorting out the back we also fixed any front issues. I no longer have smiley wrinkles at the front of my trousers. We made a shaped waistband, but it needs a smidgen more shaping.

These are very simple, straight legged trousers. They have a side zip and a button closure. I am already planning a couple more using wool. I now have a pattern block so I am going to have another go at getting jeans to fit me properly.

In a nutshell: Self-drafted (with a lot of help from Sarah) pattern using Winifred Aldrich’s book “Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear” for the fitting instructions. Fabric is some sort of weird fibre. I thought it might be polyester but a burn test showed that it is a natural fibre but it feels quite suede like. I’m also wearing the blue Nettie bodysuit, which I wouldn’t normally wear without a covering garment, the Dr Who scarf, pattern and yarn from Dairing, Melbourne, and Django and Juliette shoes.

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