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Pink knitted wrap

This is one of the knitting kits I bought from the new Alabama Chanin shop in Claremont and I managed to knit it on one of the many flights I have been on recently. DSC09675-2 It is perfect for the cool and rather draughty air conditioning encountered in Hong Kong and I put it over my conference dinner outfit (pink scout tee and Gabriola skirt) thinking that it went quite well.

This is a very easy knit for anyone new to knitting. It is basically a knit two stitches together followed by a yarn over pattern, and then a purl row, knitted in a long strip and then sewn together (although I crocheted mine together as I liked the effect – you can just see it on my right shoulder).

The dinner was a Chinese banquet, complete with lion dance

They also had a dancer whose mask changed every few moments as if by magic. Apparently this is a very traditional dance and the secret of the mask changing is handed down through the generations and is a closely guarded secret. It was impossible to see how he changed the masks and there must have been at least ten of them. Here is just one.

Details: Pink wrap knitted from Jo Sharp Mulberry Silk Georgette and Noro silk garden, pattern from the Alabama Chanin shop in Claremont. Pink Scout tee with entredeux neckline and floral Gabriola skirt. Setting is Hong Kong, photos of me were taken by my friend and colleague Bea.

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