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Dammit Janet

Yes, we went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I went as Janet (or a very vague facsimile thereof!). I gave tickets to Mark and Bridgette for their respective birthdays and Tom and I went along for the ride.

My dress is made from an original 1960 Butterick pattern. It says 34″ bust, but it finished up about two inches too big at the top. Look how wide the neck is!

Of course I didn’t make a muslin, so I am paying the price. I do have some ideas to salvage it. The pattern was pretty simple to make even though the only markings are those little holes that used to be in vintage patterns, but they are easy to follow.

The fabric is a lovely red and white striped linen from Potter’s Textiles, and yes, it looks pink. Perfect for a Janet dress!

Tom took some photos for me and Archie decided to get into the act. Sweet really. What about his new red shoes? He designed them himself on the Nike site (and probably paid a fortune for them – I don’t ask!)

I had to include this one. It does show the back top half of the dress, but it’s such a nice one of Archie.

A better view of the back. I had carefully arranged the neckline so that my bra strap wouldn’t show, but Archie managed to disrupt things. Can you see, it’s too big at the back. I suspect I’m going to have to move the zip.

The details:

Pattern is Butterick 9358. Happy because I have knocked off another make towards my Vintage sewing pattern pledge.

Fabric is red and white striped linen from Potter’s Textiles

Shoes are ASX (I wore the wrong shoes – had intended to wear a more retro style – oh well, next time!)

Belt is Allanah Hill

It’s International Women’s Day, so let the power be with you all!

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